My wife arranged a weekend threesome for us with one of her girlfriends. The first night my wife would not do much with her friend, like she backed out of the idea. The second night we all started off with petting and caressing and then my wife left the room. Her girlfriend and I continued having wild sex for two more nights without my wife. She told us to continue, but now she wants payback for what she arranged, she wants me to let her spend a weekend with a guy she admires. Was I set up, maybe? Donaldvee.
sizematters69, in my own personal opinion, depending on the circumstances and the guy, size may matter to him. To me, personally, it is not the size that counts, but how the guy users his cock that matters. Having said that, a guy can have a small cock and still please me and if we both are satisfied after our time together, I'm happy. At the same time, I know many guys who aren't happy with their size and if you aren't then perhaps look at your situation and if you can rectify that issue, then you will be happy. And your sex life will benefit.
For guys who don't have the size and don't think they can please a girl, remember sex is not just about intercourse. Although some will argue that case. Think of ways that you can please a girl, oral sex, g-spot play, anal sex. I'll write an article one day on different ways to please your girl and one on does size really matter.